Neutrality and Silence are Complicit. We Stand in Solidarity with the Asian American Community.
Mar 19, 2021 | Beneficial State Bank and Beneficial State Foundation

We stand in solidarity with Asian American Communities demanding that we #StopAsianHate.
For an equitable and just economy, physical safety and financial security are must-haves. What happened in Atlanta this week was an indisputable example of gender and race-based violence. It has no place in our society. We must condemn misogyny, racism, and xenophobia and stand together against the normalization of hate.
We are committed to reversing this trend by recognizing prejudice when it shows up in our workplaces, our neighborhoods, and our economy. We stand in solidarity with Asian American communities as we grieve unacceptable and avoidable losses and confront our own role in dismantling white supremacy until all feel safe.
- Bystander Intervention Guide - Hollaback
- Report a Hate Incident - Stop AAPI Hate
- Support the Asian American Community - Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- Access Mental Health Resources - Asian Mental Health Collective
- Ignoring the History of Anti-Asian Racism Is Another Form of Violence - Elle
- How Racism and Sexism Intertwine to Torment Asian-American Women - New York Times
- To Our Non-Asian Allies - Coalition of Asian American Leaders
June 5, 2020 - Beneficial State Bank
Resolving centuries of oppression cannot be done alone.
And no one can stand idly by. Neutrality and silence are complicit.
Here are steps we are taking with our hearts, our minds, our wallets, our voices, and our votes to create a more equitable world.
With our hearts
- Practice compassionately listening. One place to start is the 1619 Project podcast from the New York Times, which places the consequences of slavery and the contributions of Black Americans at the center of America's birth story.
With our minds
- Read “How to Be An Anti-Racist” by Ibram X. Kendi, and purchase from a Black-owned bookstore.
- Read “White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism” by Robin DiAngelo.
- Listen to “Code Switch: A Decade of Watching Black People Die” from NPR.
- Check out Honey Book & Rising Tide’s “Anti-racist Resources for Businesses to Further Racial Justice.”
- Bookmark this Anti-Racist Resource Guide created by Victoria Alexander, MEd.
With our wallets
- Switch your spending to Black-owned businesses. Apps like eatOkra make it easy to find a business in your neighborhood.
- Use platforms like Mighty Deposits and Blackout Coalition’s database of Black-owned banks and credit unions to find a bank or credit union aligned with your values.
- Donate to organizations dismantling white supremacy like, Black Lives Matter, Color of Change, and Equal Justice Initiative.
With our votes
- Be a steward for democracy: vote and advocate for yourself and those that are underrepresented, especially with local elected leaders. Check to make sure you’re registered to vote at
B Lab, the nonprofit that powers certified B Corporations, created a thorough guide of Anti-Racism Resources.
Also, read Beneficial State Foundation's statement, standing in solidarity with Black communities demanding an end to police violence.
People, Planet, Prosperity for All
We are proud to lend $91 million to support nonprofit organizations, and $0 to weapons manufacturing. When you bank beneficially, you choose to support people and planet.
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Beneficial State Bank serves the triple-bottom-line of people, planet, and prosperity for all. That means prioritizing social justice and environmental sustainability. Our clients want to see their money put to good use – funding causes that defend our planet and build resiliency in our communities. Change your bank and help change the world.
Spotlight on Social Justice
We advocate for a more just world where all of us have the opportunity to build vibrant, healthy, and free lives.